Monday, April 13, 2009

Week in Home Town

Week in Home Town

I spent the week in my home town this week. Monday through Friday. Didn't have a laptop with me so I really couldn't operate my my blogs and my ad runs effectively. I couldn't really promote much on my Moonbounce Company but really met some really good connects.

I met with a screen printer in Keller,TX and this is good news because of two reasons. One he is really trying to promote his business online and I really can push his business online because that's what I'm starting to do for companies and also I want to start my own clothing line and needed a cheap person to do some screen printing for me. He has hook ups for cheap tees and also embroidery machine.

The other good lead I came across was I met with an old time friend in Saginaw, TX and his father used to do all these awesome metal sculptures at his home and I always wanted to take them and sell them on the net. Something I have always wanted my father to do but he never really did any artistic art.

So those are the positive things that came out of being in Texas. Doing work was no fun, working with my SOC director was cool ut re reading manuals over and over is not my thing. We are moving forward to making Colgan Air better though so that's what's up. Get success, you don't let lucky you create you own luck.

April 7, 2009

I wrote this but did not get the chance to post it Yesterday I had a very important talk with my best friend/business partner. He had asked me to meet with him and he wanted to give me a challenge. So all day I was very busy, I had delivered moonbounces, mowed some lawns and picked up my moonbounces. I didn't not finish until 1030 PM but still really wanted to meet up with him. He had told me it was very important and that today was going to be the most important day of my life.

So we met at a local restaurant named unos order the happy hour food specials because we were so cheap and frugal and had a nice beer with our appetizers. He started to get really excited because he had been thinking about this all day and really wanted to take some major action on his idea. Chris is my buddy's name, and him and I have been friends for over 10 years, well Chris asked me what my net worth was. I really didn't know so we jotted downs some figures and figured it out. I was pretty shocked at where I was at for being the age I was. I had done it before when the housing market was out of control and I was pretty much worth a million dollars at the age of 23. Lost it all now, since the housing bubbled popped. So I really didn't know where he was going with this so he finally explained why he was asking for my net worth. After figuring his out as well he then yelled at me and said "I challenge YOU" to a race to become a millionaire in 18 months. And when we have reached our goals we are going to write about our race to seven figure status. " I'm now pretty excited about the race because I have been shooting for this status since January 21 and now I have someone else who's going to do it side by side with me.

So I'm pumped man this was just that boost of motivation I had needed since I was making such slow progress on my 1 million dollars in 1 year. I'm still going to shoot for it and my dead line is coming up real soon. I only have a little under 10 months to achieve my goal and I have only gotten about $16,000 saved up. So that's only $8,000 a month and I'm looking a little short. I know have to come up with another plan. I'm about $980,000 short so there needs to be a new plane and it needs to be taken into action asap. I need to pull a 100,000 dollar month right now.

I was offered a sales position at Colgan Powersports so I'm going to take it and see how mny motorcycles I can sell. Not sure how much I can make but i'm going to try it out. I'm also going to sign up for a website called and see how well that does. Online profits is supposed to be a self generating business that is 24 hour turn key. I should get tons of leads from it for my 5linx business. Check out my 5linx business at And see how you can really make some residual income. Residual income is the real focus just because after doing it once you get paid on it forever so it straight the truth. Also maybe could spin off on some prepaid legal who's a public company that is making people massive amounts of $cha ching$. Whatever it is I do I must be focus with it. I will surely get there. Funny though this blog right now hs only been jornal entries because I only have one follower a and that's my homie chris. Its whatever though at least I'll have proof after I've done it all.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Motivating Sunday

I had a very awesome Sunday. I met a potential business partner that will help me achieve my goals. He hold monthly meetings about generating some real serious cash and has a motivating tone that just extremely excites me. I hope to meet with him soon and learn what he knows.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

1st Quarter is Over and Small Progress

So I know I only started brainstorming in late January, and how much of my ideas have I put into play? Well ...... not any. I knew it was going to be a tough task to reach my GOALS but I still have to move forward.

So what have a I really done to get the ball moving forward. Well I've got my full time job that really slows me down. I'm a scheduling manager at a small commuter airline and we are facing some real tough times. So I'm literally pulling 10-12 hour days, late night phone calls. Weekend work is always a must for me, it's getting to the point where it is almost not worth it. My Goals and Dreams far exceeds my title and my company. It's hard to keep on track doing everything but I'm doing it all.

So March has passed and my Moonbounce company is starting to rally off. March is one of the slowest months so I only did a couple thousand in business but I feel like I'm really getting my foot through the door. This weekend April started out real good, not the biggest weekend I had but in one weekend I almost did better that what I did all month last month. I started asking my clients to give me reviews at so hopefully it helps with my SEO for Amusement of Bouncers. I'm pretty excited about it because it should pull in a lot of leads also I'm really hitting the Internet hard with some online ads.

Another good note is I'm starting to market online for a local motorcycle shop call Colgan Powersports. I'm asking for only $100 a month to bring thousand in traffic to there website . I think its a good price, especially it really doesn't take much to really get the word out about a business especially locally. The beginning is going to be the toughest because a foundation needs to be built, but once it's built its all just simple clicks and re posting. Also my awesome girlfriend stumbled upon a online magazine called and they are going to pay me $200 a month to post a blog twice a week. So that's only 8 a month, simply easy, especially when all they need is 400 word a blog. I would have to blog about education, immigration, racial justice and national politics based in DC. Kinda gives me a chance to learn something new on each subject and get paid for it. So if all this works out I might really span my capabilities to other businesses in the area and really work from home and replace my existing working from my employer. Which would give me more time to do my other adventures.

So Thursday I also met with current vendor for soda's and snacks located in Manassas and he wanted to sell his vending route. So I think I really hit it big, I had bought a small vending business with a friend and have been having GOALS of growing it to 100 locations and machines. Well this is the start to that GOAL, because this vendor is willing to sell all his locations to me with owner financing. This was how I bought my last route. So it is the way to grow. I really plan on doing this over and over and over until I have 100 machines averaging me $50 a week and yes if you do your math right that's 5k a week. By the end of this year I plan to have 20 Vending Machines to hopefully generate a good G a week.

Also VIP Lawn Services has risen from the dead this week. I hope to really get some lawns mowed this year, get back on being outside and smelling green. Yes GREEN!! Grass and Benjamin's. I plan on building a clientele list big enough to make an extra G a week. It's gonna happen because I'm focus, and that's all you really need to succeed. Until the next post stay positive and focus

Also 5 LINX is still in my life, Check out my website at