Sunday, February 8, 2009

2 Weeks of Brainstorming

So it's been a while since I've gotten to post a blog. Well it's because I've been really busy trying to put together a plan for success. It's been quite a tough task to think of the things that I can do to really make massive amounts of income every month, month after month. So after thinking for a couple of weeks a really came up with some real good ideas. And I just know as long as I put full efforts into all my ideas I'm going to really make $1,000,000 in the next 12months.

To build some major motivation I had to turn to an audio mentor. Mr. Anthony Robbins, I had purchased Personal Power and Get the Edge and I had to listen to it motivate me to the next level. I'm not saying I lack motivation but there is one thing I've learned about myself is that I need something always pushing me to keep my eyes on the prize. So Anthony Robbins was my answer. I've spent a week listening to Personal Power, and now all I want to do is motivate other people. It's funny because I'll start speaking about it and people just look at me like I'm an idiot, or this guy is crazy. It makes me feel quite uncomfortable so I'm going to decide to stop mentioning that I'm on such a positive trip. It's so hard because I'm so motivated it turns you into another person and you just want to reach out to everyone, and say "hey check this guy out you've got to listen to him," but again some people or even most people are just plain to cool for school, or even too "COOL" to be motivated. Seriously how stupid does that sound, pretty stupid of you ask me "too cool" to be motivated, might as well be living less than 3% of your lives and running in place doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. Well ladies and gentlemen what is the definition of insanity, well Albert Einstein once said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. Well guess that really doesn't make me crazy. WHY!! because I'm taking full action to get results, and I'm creating change in my life, and change for the good.

What steps will I take for certain to gain $1,000,000 in 12months?

5 Linx is going to be one of my vehicles, that's right! I signed up to start my own telecom business check out my website at . I know for a fact since I've joined this business and I will make an extra $20,000 - $50,000 a month residually month after month. Meaning less time working, while more money generating.

Also I have already ran a children entertainment company for the pass 2 years call Amusement Of Bouncers check out my website . And I know I can build this business to at least an additional $8,000 - $12,000 per month only working on the weekends. Again Less time working, while more money generating.

My father and I also operate a Welding Service, he runs most of the show and I keep the records and promoting but I feel if I put enough effort into building this business I WILL generate $5,000 -$10,000 a week. This business is tough right now because we deal with mostly construction companies, and they are real slow, but I need to find a way to make this happen. And again I will!!!

I also have 12 vending machines, sodas and snacks that I generate a little bit of extra cash, not must but its kinda passive, but if I build the route up to 30 locations I could possible generate some major cash flow. $4,500 a month for 5-10 hrs a week of work, so my goal is to tack on 27 more locations by the end of June. Hopefully they can be just soda machines because I can receive free Pepsi machines from Pepsi Co. So all I would need to do is find the locations and service them.

I also use to do a little day trading when I was in my 20's and did very well, so I'm going to start with $500 in day trading and building it from there. With the use of Internet at the palm of your hands I think the task is going to be quite feasible. The stock market have been up and down so much recently so it's just a great time to get involved to make some serious money. I'd hope to generate at least $150,000 from trading stocks on the daily starting from $500.

And If I find any spare time I'll work on writing maybe songs I can sell, new inventions, or improving on inventions, script writing for movies and etc... far fetch but I'm dreaming BIG BABY. I understand 1 and a million gets picked but why can I be that 1 and a million since I'm trying to earn a million dollars in 1 year. That's the one thing Tony Robbins gets you feeling like, that you can just accomplish anything you set your mind to. And that you become so convinced that your going to achieve something, nothing can or will stop you from getting there. I'll will manifest all my desires, I will use the Law of Attraction to attract my goals and dreams and apply "The Secret" to become a Millionaire in 1 year time.